I love black and white photography. For me, it’s a great way to see the world, reducing the noise around me to something that I find both quintessential and aesthetically pleasing.
Black and white photography is not everyone’s cup of tea, and I’m by no means a proselytising purist. Shoot whatever you like, black and white, colour, analogue, digital – just go out there and have fun!
For me, however, black and white is usually the way to go. That doesn’t mean, however, that I can’t enjoy anything else.
From September to December 2018, I was fortunate enough, to spend my time in Seville, and I also travelled around a bit in Andalusia. Divorced from my home developing equipment, and overwhelmed by the colourful beauty of Andalusia, I just had to give colour film a try. (Of course, I also took black and white photos aplenty.)
I started with my final roll of Adox Color Implosion film – I loved that film, but it’s been discontinued. I had saved one roll, and it would have been a shame not to use it when in southern Spain:
I love the effect, and I will pine for this film – just as much as I still miss Rollei Redbird 400.
35 mill photography on Kodak Ultramax 400 was also fun, of course:
A real discovery, however, was to shoot medium format in colour. It turned out that my Rolleicord I and slightly expired Kodak Portra 400, of which had I ordered a five pack on eBay) were a match made in photo heaven, especially when also slightly overexposed:
I have a feeling that colour photography hasn’t seen the last of me. For now, however, it’s back to black and white.
Finally, a most sincere thank-you to the wonderful people at Foto Supra in Seville – I highly recommend their services to anyone interested in analogue photography in Seville: they were quick, very reasonably priced, and genuinely lovely and helpful. I will miss them!
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